StoneBridge Community Art

StoneBridge Church Community Church (SBCC), and their interest in the arts, has provided an excellent outlet for Leigh’s talents, not only as an artist, but also through collaborative oversight of specific art projects at SBCC.  One such activity was designing and overseeing the production of a multi-panel illustration of the creation story for the interactive Journey to the Cross experience.  This experience also utilized a number of other pieces of Leigh and other local artist’s artwork.

A second project was illustrating Joseph in the Bible’s life journey for a sermon series, starting with his many-colored coat, his time in prison, and being reunited with his brothers.As Joseph carried each period in his life with him, the painting process overlaid later images on top of the earlier experiences, showing Joesph was a composite of all that happened in his life.

The Heaven’s Declare was a piece commissioned by SBCC to illustrate how the glory of the heavens reign over the earthly endeavors of the Church’s work in the community, based on Psalm 19:1 which states, “The heavens declare the glory of God and the sky above proclaim his handiwork.”  This artwork was prominently displayed in the church’s narthex.


CPCC Exhibit & Workshop


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